Was it Plato who said that thing about a life unexamined? About it not being worth much, or worth living? I can never remember the exact wording of things. Doesn’t seem really that important does it? I mean, as long as you get the sentiment, right? Anyway, a life unexamined, that is what I live. Not out of ignorance but by choice. I used to examine my life very closely, so did everyone else. I used to try to find every way possible to improve myself, could I eat better, go to the gym more, get into relationships with fewer douchebags. Not anymore, I’m tired of being my own worst critic. Now I’m just me, mistakes and all, and I love myself for it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still aware of my short comings, with parents like mine I’ll never be able to forget them, I just don’t beat myself up over them. I know that guilt isn’t going to get me to the gym any faster, but wheezing as I climb the stairs for the train will. It will happen when it happens and I can’t rush those things. When I get tired of being treated like shit I’ll stop dating guys I meet in bars. When I no longer want to spend a good portion of every day in the bathroom I’ll stop shopping at the bodega on the corner and start going to the farmer’s market on Saturdays. I look at it this way, I stopped smoking when I decided I didn’t want to die a slow painful death and have everyone I love watch me deteriorate, right? It happened to coincide with the smoking bans and me not going to bars as much, but it was ultimately my decision. We all have issues, problems, neuroses, why should we spend time dwelling on them? Why should I spend my energy on all the things that I’m not instead of thinking about all of the things that I am? There are plenty of people in this world who will be glad to tell you where you are falling short in life, let them do their job and you do yours, love who you are. Freckles and all, or is it warts?
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